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Kugler, David C. Papers

Title: Kugler, David C. Papers

Reference Code: Mss-2891

Inclusive Dates:  1929 – 1982

Quantity: 000.8 cu. ft.

Location: CV, Sh. 259

Abstract: David G. Kugler joined the Socialist Party in 1910 and ran for the state assembly for the 2nd District (2nd and 10th Wards).  He also was a member of the International Association of Machinists, District No. 10 and a member of the Federated Trades Council for 20 years.  He passed away in 1943.  His son, David C. Kugler was also active in Socialist politics and a member of the Machinist Union.  David C. Kugler passed away in November 1989.

Scope and Content: The collection contains various newsletters, publications, pamphlets, correspondence and other ephemera related to David G. and David C. Kugler, as well as the Socialist Party on the county, state and national levels.

Access and Use: No restrictions

Language: English

Notes: Originally processed by R.D. Blough, June 2002.  New material added July 2016 by Kevin Abing.


Folder Heading Box # File #
Correspondence 1 1
Political Pamphlets: 1948, Presidential; Right Wing Material; Miscellaneous; Federation News, Sept. – Nov. 1940 1 2
Joseph R. Cotton Dismissal Case, 1945 1 3
In Fact Weekly Newsletter, Jan.-Oct. 1950 1 4
Public Enterprise Record, Sept. 1959 – March 1967 1 5
Public Enterprise Committee Report, Sept. 1967 – Dec. 1973, 1977-1981 1 6
Newsletters: Socialist Party of Wisconsin and Socialist Party of Milwaukee County, 1962 – 1980 (not inclusive) 1 7
Booklets & Pamphlets of Socialism and Socialists 1 8
Miscellaneous 1 9
Clippings/Articles re Victor Berger and Dan Hoan, 1929-1961 2 1
Socialist Publications
The Wisconsin Leader, 1935
Socialist Tribune, 1971-1982 (not inclusive)
Hammer & Tongs, 1973-1982 (not inclusive)
Missouri Valley Socialist, 1982
The Wisconsin Commonwealth, May 1948
The Militant, May 1947
The Call, August 1945 and February 1950
In These Times, September 1980
2 2
Labor-Related Material 2 3
Socialist Party Convention Material, 1973-1981 2 4

