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Rohde, Hugo William Papers

Title: Rohde, Hugo William Papers

Reference Code: Mss-1152

Inclusive Dates:  1784 – 1946

Quantity: 0.4 cu. ft.

Location: CV, Sh. 234

Abstract: Hugo William Rohde was chief chemist of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company in 1936.  He also was very active in the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters as well as various engineering societies, including the Engineers’ Society of Milwaukee.

Scope and Content: The collection contains personal papers and documents, including travel souvenirs from Germany, World War II-related material and miscellaneous song books.

Access and Use: No restrictions

Language: English, German

Notes: The collection was processed June 5, 1990 by Janet K. Geronime.



Folder Heading Box # File #
Correspondence and Miscellaneous 1 1
-Copy of a letter written to Solomon Avery Brown, Smyrna, NY, by a
student in Cazenovia Seminary, Dec. 21, 1844
-Receipt signed by John Ogden for lumber for wagons received from
Cary & Pratt, Jan. 6, 1863
-Handwritten letter (in German), 1872
-Pages from an autograph book (in German), 1899
-Writings (6 pages in German), n.d.
-6 picture cards, n.d.
-Christmas card from Mrs. George Huss
-Pamphlet, “I Like Milwaukee,” by Charles House, n.d.
-Outline study of “Evangeline” by Maud Elma Kingsley, n.d.
-“Mississippi Und Rhein,” by Henrich Ende, 1876 (published by Carl
Doerflinger, Milwaukee)
-“Beliebte Mӓnnerchöre,” selected by Albert S. Kramer, Milwaukee, n.d.
-“Koschat-Album. Auswahl der beliebtesten Kӓrntner Lieder” bon
Thomas Koschat, n.d.
-“Volkslieder und Gesӓnge,” n.d.
-Convocation Songs (English & German), n.d.
-“Fine alte Legende die himmelsschmiede als Feltgabe”
-“Lieder aus Deutschlands erhebender Zeit,” 1915
-“Sphinx Americana. Rӓthsel von Th. A. Rubin,” 1878 (published by
Carl Doerflinger, Milwaukee)
-“Brauer Commers-Lieder,” n.d.
-“Brauerlieder der Studenten der Hantke’s Brewers’ School,”
Milwaukee, n.d. (2 copies)
-Newspaper clipping re Rohde being made a life member of the
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1947
Organizations and Churches 1 2
-Milwaukee Christian Endeavor Union Directory, 1908
-Junior Christian Endeavor Prayer, Meeting Topics, 1908
-National Women’s Christian Temperance Union, Yearbook of the
Young People’s Branch, 1911
-National Women’s Christian Temperance Union Calendar, 1913
-German University League Membership Card, 1914
-Milwaukee Athletic Club Membership Card 1917
-Peace Evangelical Church, Graduation Program-Teacher Training
Classes, April 22, 1923
-Deutschen Theater Vereins Membership Cards, 1931-1932
-Pamphlet of National Liberal League, 1946
-Wisconsin Anti-Tuberculosis Association Crusader, vol. 13, no. 4 & 6
-Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum Echoes,
vol. 16, no. 9 (Sept. 1943)
-Engineers Society of Milwaukee Milwaukee Engineering, vol. 17, no. 2
(Nov. 1936)
-Engineers Society of Milwaukee, letter to H.W. Rohde from chairman,
membership committee, May 12, 1937
-Engineers Society of Milwaukee, Memo to Board of Directors re effect
of change of dues, 1939?
-Program, 22nd Annual Meeting, American Association of Cereal
Chemists, 1936
Travel Material 1 3
-Passport, 1925
-German photos (23)
-German postcards (20)
-Colored lithographs of German places (some dated 1784-1847)
-Miscellaneous pieces (11)
-Tiny picture book: Der Fuhrer und der Arbeiter
-Envelope with picture of New Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans
World War II Material  1 4
-Application for War Ration Book no. 3
-6 War Ration Books
-Fuel oil ration coupons
-Tire inspection records
