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Trinity Court/Freedom Village

Title: Trinity Court/Freedom Village Collection

Reference Code: Mss – 3089

Inclusive Dates: 1989-2014

Quantity: 4.0 cubic ft

Location: WHW, Sh. CL063

Abstract: Freedom and Friendship Village are retirement communities located in Milwaukee near 76th St. and Dean Rd.  Residents began living in this community in 1989 after its groundbreaking in September of that year.  A partnership between Aurora Sinai Health Care and Freedom Village also existed, which provided access to health care benefits for residents within the community.  In 2004, ownership of the Freedom/Friendship Village retirement community changed to Trinity Court and was formally renamed Trinity Village.

Trinity Court was known as Village at Manor Park in 1991, changing its name in 2004 after merging with Freedom/Friendship Village.  Trinity Court changed its name once again in 2012 to “VMP” which stands for Village at Manor Park.

Scope and Content: This collection contains materials donated by resident David Moberg concerning Freedom Village, Trinity Court, Village at Manor Park, and Aurora Sinai Health Care.  It includes newsletters (“The Oak Leaves” and “The Villager”), resident handbooks, newspaper clippings, advertisements/brochures/pamphlets on the communities, activities, and events, personal correspondences, memos, bible study materials, photos, and resident council meeting minutes. Oversized photos, scrapbooks, and a large schematic map are also included.

Access and Use: No restrictions

Language: English

Notes: Processed by Colleen Fessler, March 2016


Name Box Folder
Aurora Health Care: Info & Memos 1 1
Freedom Village: Bible Study, 1993-1999 1 2
Freedom Village: Bible Study, 2000-2002 1 3
Freedom Village: Bible Study, 2003-2004 1 4
Freedom Village: Brochures, Pamphlets, Ads 1 5
Freedom Village: Computer Club 1 6
Freedom Village: Events 1 7
Freedom Village: Obituaries 1 8
Freedom Village: Personal Notes, Files, Correspondences (1) 1 9
Freedom Village: Personal Notes, Files, Correspondences (2) 1 10
Freedom Village: Personal Notes, Files, Correspondences (3) 1 11
Freedom Village: Picture Directory & Resident List 1 12
Freedom Village: Prayer Group 1 13
Freedom Village: Profiles in Freedom 1 14
Freedom Village: Reports & Memos 1 15
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 1993-1998 1 16
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 1999 1 17
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 2000 1 18
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 2001 1 19
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 2002 1 20
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 2003 1 21
Freedom Village: Resident Council, 2004 1 22
Freedom Village: Resident Handbook 1994-2001, By-Laws 2 23
Freedom Village: Resident Handbook 2002, 2004 2 24
Freedom Village: The Oak Leaves, 1991-1995 2 25
Freedom Village: The Oak Leaves, 1995-2000 2 26
Freedom Village: The Oak Leaves, 2001-2006 2 27
Freedom Village: The Oak Leaves, 2007-2012 2 28
Freedom Village/Trinity Court: Bible Study, ACTS 2 29
Freedom Village/Trinity Court: Bible Study Finances 2 30
Freedom Village/Trinity Court: Bible Study Planning 2 31
Freedom Village/Trinity Court: Bible Study Programs/Flyers 2 32
Friendship Village: Board Meeting Minutes 2 33
Friendship Village: Brochures, Advertisements 2 34
Friendship Village: Events 2 35
Friendship Village: Finances 2 36
Friendship Village: Legal 2 37
Friendship Village: Medical 2 38
Friendship Village: Miscellaneous 2 39
Friendship Village: Personnel 2 40
Friendship Village: The Villager 2 41
Grounds Committee: Freedom Village/Trinity Court 3 42
Miscellaneous 3 43
Newspaper Clippings 3 44
Trinity Court: Bible Study, 2005-2007 3 45
Trinity Court: Bible Study, 2009-2012 3 46
Trinity Court: Events 3 47
Trinity Court: Handbooks 3 48
Trinity Court: Obituaries 3 49
Trinity Court: Personal Notes, Files, & Correspondences 3 50
Trinity Court: Resident Council, 2005-2009 3 51
Trinity Court: Resident Council, 2010-2012 3 52
Trinity Court: Residential Concerns & Updates 3 53
Trinity Court: Residents Newsletter, 2005-2006 3 54
Trinity Court: Residents Newsletter, 2007 3 55
Trinity Court: Residents Newsletter, 2008 3 56
Trinity Court: Residents Newsletter, 2009 3 57
Trinity Court: Social Life, Events 3 58
Trinity Court: Spiritual Life Committee 3 59
Village at Manor Park: “Call to Partnership”, etc. 3 60
Village at Manor Park: Info & Transition from Friendship/Freedom Village 3 61
Village at Manor Park: Senior Center News 3 62
Villas at Granville: Directory, Maps, Handbook 3 63
Villas at Granville: Management, Policies, Brochures 3 64
VMP & Trinity Court/Village: Brochures, Advertisements 3 65
Bible Study Materials 4 66
ACTS of the Apostles 4 67
Luke 4 68
Matthew 4 69
James 4 70
Galatians 4 71
Ephesians 4 72
Colossians 4 73
Aging in the Grace of God 4 74
Isaiah 4 75
Matthew – W. Hendriksen 4 76
The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ 4 77
Freedom Village Scrapbook 4 Loose in Box
Trinity Court 2005 Scrapbook 4 Loose in Box
Trinity Court 2006 Scrapbook 4 Loose in Box
Trinity Court Sept.- Dec. 2006 Scrapbook 4 Loose in Box
Trinity Court 2007 Scrapbook 4 Loose in Box
Photos: See M-236 and OS #2685-2693    
Maps:  Map # 875 (WH OF13)    


