Von Marr, Carl Collection
Title: Von Marr, Carl Collection
Reference Code: Mss-1948
Inclusive Dates: 1858 – 2015
Quantity: 000.03 cu. ft.
Location: Sm Mss
Abstract: Carl Von Marr was born in Milwaukee in 1858, the eldest son of Bertha and John Marr. He attended the German-English Academy and thereafter began working in his father’s engraving business. He displayed some artistic ability at a young age, and his father hired the German-American artist Henry Vianden to tutor Carl. In 1875, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Weimar, Germany. He returned to Milwaukee to establish himself as an artist but struggled in his hometown. He returned to Germany and launched a long and prolific career as an artist. His paintings won him international acclaim and several awards, most notably the Golden Medal in 1889 for “The Flagellants.” At the height of his career, he served as the director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. He continued painting until his death in 1936 in Munich.
Scope and Content: The collection includes translations of several Marr letters to his parents and friends, newspaper clippings, a business card for “Marr & Richards-Designers and engravers on wood and metal,” invitations and flyers from the West Bend Gallery related to Marr exhibits, and a catalog of Marr’s works from Van Ham Auction Gallery in Cologne, Germany.
Access and Use: No restrictions
Language: English and German
Notes: See also Carl Von Marr: German-American Artist in the research library’s book collection.