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Pabst Best Tonic

c. Late 19th century

Rectangular green and white bottle label. Dark green border with gold highlights. Pabst Tonic label indicates there was no alcohol found within the 12 fluid ounces of the product. The drink instead offers Vitamins B and G, Calcium Hypophosphite, and Iron Pyrophosphate. Manufactured in Milwaukee, WI.

Although the name changed from Best to Pabst 1889, Captain Pabst decided that it would be better for marketing if the original name “The Best Tonic” was still incorporated on the labels of the Tonic and Extract product that were so popular under the Best Brewery during the Civil War Years. The Tonic, like the Malt Extract, was touted for its medicinal and healing properties. A businessman in the 1890’s , George Peck, was such an advocate of the product he mailed the Pabst Company, stating: ” Gentleman, after drinking one bottle of Tonic, I find I can look creditors in the face without blushing. Send me five more bottles and I will be able to make them send me receipted bills and apologize. That Tonic is immense.”
