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Parkman Club

Title: Parkman Club, 1895-1897

Call Number: Mss-2658
Bulk: .4 cu. ft.

Historical Note:

The Parkman Club was organized December 10, 1895, for the study of the history of the Northwest, and the publication of papers presented at its meetings.  Active membership was limited to fifteen.  Associate members were also allowed to attend meetings and participate in discussions, but not submit papers.

Administrative Note:

The collection was processed on May 21, 1999 by Kevin Abing.


Box Number

Folder Number

Articles of Incorporation, 1896, and minutes of meetings, 1895-1898 1 1
“The Parkman Club, Milwaukee, Wis.” Informational brochure, 1897 (4 copies) 1 2
Nicholas Perrot: A Study in Wisconsin History, by Gardner P. Stickney 1895 (2 copies) 1 3
Exploration of Lake Superior: The Voyages of Radisson and Groseilliers, by Henry Colin Campbell 1896 (2 copies) 1 4
Chevalier Henry de Tonty: His Exploits in the Valley of the Mississippi, by Henry E. Legler 1896 1 5
The Aborigines of the Northwest: A Glance into the Remote Past, by Frank Taylor Terry 1896 1 6
Jonathan Carver: His Travels in the Northwest in 1766-8, by John Goadby Gregory 1896 1 7
Negro Slavery in Wisconsin, by John Nelson Davidson 1896 (2     copies) 1 8
Eleazar Williams-His Forerunners, Himself, by William Ward Wight 1896 (2 copies) 1 9
Charles Langlade-First Settler of Wisconsin, by Montgomery E. McIntosh 1896 (3 copies) 1 10
The Germans in Wisconsin Politics.  I. Until the Rise of the Republican Party, by Ernest Bruncken 1896 1 11
The Polanders in Wisconsin, by Frank H. Miller 1896 (3 copies) 1 12
Pere Rene Menard: The Predecessor of Allouez and Marquette in the Lake Superior Region, Henry Colin Campbell 1897 (2 copies) 1 13
George Rogers Clark and His Illinois Campaign, by Dan B. Starkey 1897 (2 copies) 1 14
The Use of Maize by Wisconsin Indians, by Gardner P. Stickney 1897 (4 copies) 1 15
The Land-Limitation Movement: A Wisconsin Episode of 1848-1851, by John Goadby Gregory 1897 (3 copies) 1 16
A Moses of the Mormons: Strang’s City of Refuge and Island Kingdom, by Henry E. Legler 1897 1 17
Claude Jean Allouez: “The Apostle of the Ottawas” and the Builder of the First Indian Missions in Wisconsin, by Joseph Stephen LaBoule 1897 (2 copies) 1 18
Negro Slavery in Wisconsin and the Underground Railroad, by John Nelson Davidson 1897 (2 copies) 1 19
Index of 1896 publications (Numbers 3-12 above) (3 copies) 1 20
