Lecture Series
Pride in Place: Milwaukee’s Architecture and Built Environment
Upcoming Lectures
Placemaking and Interactions with the Built Enviroment
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Sen is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he teaches architectural design urbanism and cultural landscapes. He co-founded and is the co-coordinator of the Buildings Cultures Landscapes doctoral program initiative between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Milwaukee.
Yance Marti
A Look at Perceptions of Decayed buildings in the 1950’s with a Comparison to Current Ideas
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Marti is a Civil Engineer with the City of Milwaukee who has written extensively on the architectural history of Milwaukee. Marti is the creator of OldMilwaukee.net and the author of “Missing Milwaukee: the Lost Buildings of Milwaukee.”
Matthew Jarosz
Historic Preservation in Milwaukee
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Jarosz is an Associate Adjunct Professor of Architecture at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he is the coordinator of the Certificate in Preservation Studies program. Jarosz also created and directs the Historic Preservation Institute and has a private practice called Jarosz Lynch Architects that specializes in historic preservation and restoration.