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Goodwin Berquist, 1968-2000

Title: Goodwin Berquist, 1968-2000
Call Number: Mss-2796
Bulk: 9.51 cu. ft.

Historical Note:

Goodwin Berquist spent over thirty years researching and writing about James Kilbourne and his son Byron Kilbourn, one of the early founders of Milwaukee.  In 1983, as a professor in the Department of Communications at Ohio State University, he collaborated with Professor Paul Bowers of OSU’s History Department on a biography of James Kilbourne, entitled The New Eden: James Kilbourne and the Development of Ohio.  Since then, Berquist and Bowers, until his death in 1998, have worked on a biography of Byron Kilbourn, which will soon be published by the Milwaukee County Historical Society.  The collection consists of research materials (i.e., notes and xerox copies) pertaining to the Kilbourn Family, rough drafts of both biographies, articles, and other miscellaneous materials.

Administrative Note:

The collection was processed in July 2000 by Kevin Abing.  Material was added to box 10 on Nov. 2, 2001 and was processed by Kevin Abing.

Research Material

Box Number

Folder Number

Analysis of the Litchfield Letters Collection, J. Kilbourne Letters (Bowers) 1 1
Anson W. Buttles – Diaries and Papers (SHSW) 1 2
Anson W. Buttles Papers (SHSW), Correspondence, 1851-1857 1 3
Application for SRA, Sp. Qtr. 1987 – plus CV (Bowers) 1 4
Archives & Historical Societies 1 5
Area Research Center – UW Green Bay (See M.L. Martin Papers Info) 1 5A
Arora Buttles-Orange Johnson House (Dr. R.W. McCormick Investigation), Byron Kilbourn Mss 1 6
Assembly/Senate Joint Resolution to Investigate Alleged Legislative Fraud (1858 Session) 1 7
Austin, H. Russell, The Milwaukee Story: The Making of an American City 1 8
Baird, James: “Frugality and the American Revolution…” 1 9
Barber: Documentary History Simsbury (Extracts) 1 10
Barber Papers – Simsbury Historical Society 1 11
Barnum, Richard, “The Politics of Public Aid” 1 12
Barstow & the 1855 Attempt to Steal an Election 1 13
Bernd, John M., “The LaCrosse and Milwaukee Railroad Land Grant, 1856″ WMH, Dec. 1946 1 14
Berquist Correspondence (primarily with Paul Bowers) 1 15
Berquist-Goerke Interview re Ohio Freemasonry 1 16
Berquist Material-Madison (SHSW) Research Trip, June 1990 1 17
Berquist – Notes on Bowers’ Notes on Ohio Newspapers 1 18
Berquist Notes: 2nd Wisconsin Research Trip, March 1985 1 19
B. Franklin: The Uncommon Man (1976-Jim Baker) 1 20
Bibliography References – J.K. (Bowers) 1 21
Bibliography References – J.K. (Bowers) 1 22
Biographical Dictionary Sketch of B. Kilbourn (1877) 1 23
Blue, Free Soilers 1 24
Bowers – Material From P.K. Yonge Library 1 25
Bowers Research Trip to Wisconsin – Accounts 1 26
Brief Summary of Folder No. 3 of Field Notes for Biographical

Sketch of Byron Kilbourn [Dec. 1984 trip]

1 27
Bridge War of 1845 (Koss) 1 28
Brister: Centennial History of Newark, vol. I 1 29
Brown, K. – History of Buckeye Lake 1 30
Bruce, W.G., ed., History of Milwaukee City and County 1 31
Buck, James S., History of Milwaukee (4 vols.) 1 32
Buck, James S., Pioneer History 1 33
Bucyrus Song, 1822 1 34
Burr, H.G.: “The Settlement of Worthington” ONGS 1 35
Burr Letters, 1820-1827 1 36
Burt – Early Survey of Milwaukee River 1 37
Business Incorporations in the U.S., 1800-1943 1 38
Buttles Diary and Genealogy 1 39
Buttles Family Papers (OHS) 1 40
Buttles Family Papers, McCormick Photocopies, Excerpts 1 41
Buttles Family Papers, Typescript Copies of Letters

(McCormick to G.B. & P.C.B.)

1 42
Byron Kilbourn and Alanson Sweet (Koss) 1 43
Byron Kilbourn-Barber Papers, Simsbury Historical Society 1 44
Byron Kilbourn – Berquist (Misc.) 1 45
Byron Kilbourn Biographical Data (DWB & 1881 Hist. Of


1 46
Byron Kilbourn to Cicero Comstock, July 7, 1837 (From

Comstock Papers, Mil. Public Library)

1 47
Byron Kilbourn & City Support of the Milwaukee & Mississippi

RR (Buck)

1 48
Byron Kilbourn Contests Title to Land at Walker’s Point 1 49
Byron Kilbourn – Court Cases (MCHS) 1 50
Byron Kilbourn & the Depression of 1857 (Current) 1 51
Byron Kilbourn vs. Doty, Territorial Delegate Race, 1839 1 52
Byron Kilbourn & Early Milwaukee: A German Lutheran View 1 53
Byron Kilbourn & Early RR Construction (Current) 1 54
Byron Kilbourn, 1844 Broadside re: Milw. & RR Canal 1 55
Byron Kilbourn & 1839 Milwaukee Land Sale 1 56
Byron Kilbourn, 1839-47 (Wisc. Terr. Papers, SHSW) 1 57
Byron Kilbourn Endorsement of Lapham’s Map of Wisc.,1849 1 58
Byron Kilbourn Entries, Wis. Mag. Of History & Wis. Hist. Soc.


1 59
Byron Kilbourn & Ethics in RR Era 1 60
Byron Kilbourn: Flanders Fraud Case: Milw.-LaCrosse RR, Jan.

11, 1853

1 61
Byron Kilbourn & German Settlement in Kilbourntown


1 62
Byron Kilbourn & Grand Kaukaulin Project 1 63
Byron Kilbourn, Increase Lapham, & Milwaukee Land Sales


1 64
Byron Kilbourn & Iron Ridge, Dodge County 1 65
Byron Kilbourn to Isaac Bronson, 1839 Election for Terr.

Delegate; Predicts Recovery from 1837 Depression (MCHS)

1 66
Byron Kilbourn (?): James Kilbourn’s Obituary – Milwaukee

Sentinel, May 7, 1850

1 67
Byron Kilbourn & Jt. Select Committee Report on 1856 Land

Grant (Northwestern Route)

1 68
Byron Kilbourn, Juneau, & Early Milwaukee Development

(Bleyer Papers)

1 69
Byron Kilbourn & Lapham’s Decision to Emigrate to Wisc. 1 70
Byron Kilbourn Letter re Gov. Doty 1 71
Byron Kilbourn Letter to M.L. Martin re: Martin’s Position on

Milwaukee & Rock River Canal, Dec. 22, 1845

1 72
Byron Kilbourn Letter to Whittlesey (WRHS) [Berquist Letter,

June 1992]

1 73
Byron Kilbourn Letters – Detroit Public Library 1 74
Byron Kilbourn to Louis Linn, Jan. 29, 1836, re: Milwaukee


1 75
Byron Kilbourn Marriage to Mary Cowles & Other Kilbourn


1 76
Byron Kilbourn Materials – Fla. Trip (P. Bowers, Dec. 1987) 1 77
Byron Kilbourn – Micajah T. Williams Correspondence (OHS


1 78
Byron Kilbourn to Micajah T. Williams, 1834 (Michigan Terr.


1 79
Byron Kilbourn – Micajah T. Williams Letters 1 80
Byron Kilbourn – Micajah T. Williams Letters, SHSW 1 81
Byron Kilbourn to Micajah T. Williams, Sept. 19, 1834 (Letter

on Surveying)

1 82
Byron Kilbourn as Milwaukee Alderman, 1846 1 83
Byron Kilbourn & Milwaukee Internal Improvements 1 84
Byron Kilbourn and Milw. & Mississippi Railroad 1 85
Byron Kilbourn & the Milwaukee Road (1848), Derleth 1 86
Byron Kilbourn and Milwaukee & Rock River Canal (Conard,

History of Milw.)

1 87
Byron Kilbourn & Milwaukee’s First “Public School” 1 88
Byron Kilbourn to Morgan Martin re: Contested rts. Of Pierre

Juneau in Milwaukee

1 89
Byron Kilbourn Obituary & “Milwaukee’s First Railway” 1 90
Byron Kilbourn & Ohio Canal – Miscellaneous Notes 1 90A
Byron Kilbourn & Ohio Canal – Miscellaneous Notes 1 90B
Byron Kilbourn, Ohio Monitor, 1836: Letter to Lewis Linn 2 91
Byron Kilbourn & Original Milwaukee Land Purchase (Still) 2 92
Byron Kilbourn & Parks 2 93
Byron Kilbourn – PCB Questions re GB Materials, I.A. Lapham, Pss, OHS, & Other OHS Material, & Notecards on 1st Wisc. Trip Materials 2 94
Byron Kilbourn Profile (Buck) 2 95
“Byron Kilbourn: Promoter” by Mildred Schroeder (WHS-1932) 2 96
Byron Kilbourn & RR Scandal, 1856-1858 (Titus, History of

Fox River Valley, v. 1, 324-335)

2 97
Byron Kilbourn, Railroads, and a Line to the Mississippi 2 98
Byron Kilbourn as Real Estate Salesman 2 99
Byron Kilbourn Refuses to Accept Bank Notes, 1836 2 100
Byron Kilbourn: Research Notes & Leads 2 101
Byron Kilbourn: Review of Committee of Investigation on Land

Grant to La Crosse Railroad

2 102
Byron Kilbourn & 2nd Const. Convention (state boundaries) 2 103
Byron Kilbourn & Ship Building 2 104
Byron Kilbourn, Sketch – Dict. of Wisc. Biography 2 105
Byron Kilbourn Speech to Family Genealogical Society, 1854 2 106
Byron Kilbourn Supports “War Democrats,” 1863 2 107
Byron Kilbourn as Surveyor in Ohio 2 108
Byron Kilbourn: Tallahassee Material, Dec. 1987 Trip 2 109
Byron Kilbourn Visuals 2 110
Byron Kilbourn & “West Ward” Bonds 2 111
Byron Kilbourn & Wisc. First Locomotives 2 112
Byron Kilbourn & Wisc. First Locomotives (Walter Phelps

Letter, ca. 1908)

2 113
Byron Kilbourn & Wisc.’s Two Constitutions, 1846, 1848 2 114
Byron Kilbourn’s Address to Kilbourne Society, 1854 2 115
Byron Kilbourn’s Advice to A. Lincoln 2 116
Byron Kilbourn’s Canal Essays (1837) 2 117
Byron Kilbourn’s Engineering Skills (Frk. Cty. Hist. Soc.

Bulletin, 1953)

2 118
Byron Kilbourn’s General Land Agency 2 119
Byron Kilbourn’s Land in Florida 2 120
Byron Kilbourn’s Letter to Whitfield Cowles Asking For Mary’s

Hand in Marriage

2 121
Byron Kilbourn’s Letters to His Sisters 2 122
Byron Kilbourn’s Railroad Land Grant 2 123
Byron Kilbourn’s Remains Returned to Milwaukee 2 124
Byron Kilbourn’s Role in Wisconsin Railways (Seville) 2 125
Byron Kilbourn Cowles Papers, SHSW 2 126
Canal Commissioners Correspondence, OHS, Reels 1-4 2 127
Canal Commissioners Correspondence, OHS, Reels 5-6 2 128
Canal Commissioners, Reports to Legislature, 1826-1827 2 129
Canal Papers, OHS 2 130
Canal References, Wisc. Territorial Papers (1836-1846) 2 131
Canal References, Wisc. Territorial Papers (1836-1846) 2 132
Cayton, Andrew – Frontier Republic, Notes 2 133
Charles D. Robinson Papers (SHSW) 2 134
Charles Whittlesey John Fitch Excerpts, 1844 Biography 2 135
Chase Letters – Milwaukee Public Library 2 136
Chicago, Milw., St. Paul & Pacific RR – Inventory (SHSW)

[Milw. Road Papers]

2 137
Chronology: Scheiber, Ohio Canal Era 2 138
City of Worthington, Ohio, Annual Reports, 1968-1969 2 139
Claimants’ Union/”Floated Claims” – Hist. Of Milwaukee, 1881 2 140
Columbus-Sandusky Turnpike 2 141
Connecticut – Research Materials, Bibliog’s, etc. 2 142
Connecticut Research Trip, June 11-14, 1979 2 143
Consequences of Revolution in Ohio (P. Bowers) 2 144
“Constitutional Elector” – O.S. Journal, 1826 vs. J. Kilbourne 2 145
Corbin, Frank – “Birth of Our Town” Articles 2 146
Corbin, Frank – Research Notes & Leads 2 147
Corbin – Walking Tour of Old Worthington 2 148
Correspondence re Florida Research Trip, Dec. 1987 2 149
Cowles Family Correspondence (Worthington and Columbus,

Ohio, to Turkey Hills)

2 150
Cowles Family Genealogy & Biographical Sketch of Whitfield


2 151
Cowles Family Letters (Berquist Notes on Xeroxes of Letters

from Sally Cowles, Connecticut, 1992)

2 152
Cowles Family Papers, Letters in Green Box, 1790s 2 153
Cowles Family Papers, Letters in Green Box, 1800-1810 2 154
Cowles Family Papers, Letters in Green Box, 1820-1830 2 155
Cowles Family Papers, Sally’s Photocopies to Goodie 2 156
Cowles, Whitfield Rev. – Genealogy 2 157
Current on Fox-Wisconsin Waterway 2 158
Deed for Land Sale, Henry Pennoyer to B. Kilbourn, 11 Sept.

1835 (File 1835, SHSW)

2 159
Democratic Politics in Wisconsin – Sheldon to M.L. Martin, Feb.

5, 1840

2 160
Descriptions, Comments re Byron Kilbourn 2 161
Dewey, Eva C., Curator-Salmon Brook Historical Society,

Granby, Connecticut

2 162
Discussion with Jack Holzhueter of SHSW, March 26, 1985 2 163
Disorderly Conduct Notes (Smith-Rosenberg) 2 164
Doty’s Method of Land Speculation (Similar to B.K.’s) 2 165
“Dr. Franz Huebschmann’s Political Career” 2 166
Duckett, “Politics, Brown Bread, and Bologna” (1953) 2 167
Duckett: Strong (biog.) 2 168
Dudley, Helen: “The Origin of the Name of the Town of

Worthington” OSAHQ 1943

2 169
Durbin, Rick – “Kilbourn Dam” 2 170
Early Developments in Central Ohio 2 171
Early Emigration to Milwaukee 2 172
Early Kaukauna 2 173
Early Milwaukee Agitation For a Canal 2 174
Early Milwaukee (Capt. Donahoe’s Version) 2 175
Early Settlement (by whites) of Wisconsin Territory; D. Martin,

Hist. Of Brown Cty., Vol. I, 131-132

2 176
Early Wisc. Newspapers (SHSW, 1990) & Inter-Library Loan


2 177
East Granby: The Evolution of a Connecticut Town – Notes on

Whitfield Cowles

2 178
Edward Daniels Papers (SHSW) 2 179
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Collection (MCHS 2 180
Ethan A. Brown Collection (O.H.S.), Reels 1 & 2 2 181
Ethan A. Brown Collection (O.H.S.), Reels 2 & 3 2 182
Ettenheim, Sarah C., How Milwaukee Voted: 1848-1980 2 183
Evans, Eleanor, “History of Worthington Area…” 2 184
Everts & Beers (2 Atlases of Muskingum County – Show Irville

& Canal) [OHS]

2 185
Ewig, William: “Business Career of Morgan L. Martin” 2 186
Exhibit of the Character, Condition and Prospects of the Mineral

Point Railroad. 1856. (SHSW)

2 187
Family Matters: Litchfield Letters 2 188
Final Report: West Side Neighborhood Historic Survey, Vols. I

& II (MPL)

2 189
First Record Book – St. John’s Church (Bowers’ Notes, Aug. 1,


2 190
First Wisconsin Research Trip, Dec. 1984 2 191
Florida Census, 1870 2 192
Florida Newspapers, List of Those Examined-1867, 1868, 1869 2 193
Florida Research Grant, Dec. 1987 (Univ. Small Grant Program,

Au. Qtr. 1987)

2 194
For the Ohio Country: The Settlements at Marietta and

Gallipolis, 1976

2 195
Forman, Jonathan – “The Worthington Medical College” 2 196
Format of B.K. Biography (Bowers), June 1990 2 197
Formation of State Gov’t (C.C. Sholer to M.L. Martin, April 10,


2 198
Fort Caroline, Jacksonville, Florida 2 199
“Foundations for Industrialization, 1835-1880″ 2 200
Franklin County Hist. Society History News Letter 2 201
Franklin County Records at OHS (1989) 2 202
Friendships Retreat 3 203
Frontier Life, Info re. – Molnar & Schneider 3 204
Fruit, Jeff: Research Report on the Worthington Manufacturing


3 205
Fugitive Materials – Byron Kilbourn 3 206
Funding Railroads (School Fund) 3 207
Further East Granby Letters, Secured Aug. 27-31, 1992 3 208
Gates: “Frontier Land Business in Wisconsin” 3 209
Gazeteer of Ohio Streams 3 210
Granby, CT & Salmon Brook Historical Society 3 211
Grant-in-aid Application for Summer 1990 (Bowers) 3 212
Grant Information, 1989-1991 3 213
Gregory, John G. – Table of Contents, History of Milwaukee,

Wisconsin, 4 vols. (1931)

3 214
Griswold, A.V. – Biography Excerpts 3 215
Griswold, Alexander V. – Childhood & Youth 3 216
Griswold, Ezra – Miscellaneous Data 3 217
Griswold Family 3 218
Guide to Major Mss. Collections of the P.K. Yonge Library of

Florida History

3 219
Harbor Improvements 3 220
Hawks, Graham – “Increase A. Lapham: Wisconsin’s First


3 221
Hawks, Graham -“Lapham and Kilbourn: Canal, Bridges and


3 222
Hector Kilbourn to Zalmon Wildman – 11/21/1821 (Xerox of

Letter in Wildman Coll., O.H.S.)

3 223
Henrietta Kerrick Kilbourn – Maryland Correspondence 3 224
Hill, N.N.: History of Coshocton County 3 225
Hill, N.N.: History of Licking County, 1881 3 226
History Finding Aids (Bibliographies, Periodicals, Documents,

etc.) 1 of 2

3 227
History Finding Aids (Bibliographies, Periodicals, Documents,

etc.) 2 of 2

3 228
History of the Ohio Canals, 1905 3 229
Holton, E.D., “Commercial History of Milwaukee” 3 230
Horace A. Tenney Papers (SHSW), Box 1 3 231
Horace A. Tenney Papers (SHSW), Box 2-4 3 232
How to Use the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in

the U.S. in Your Research

3 233
Huebschmann, Dr. Francis, Collection (MCHS) 3 234
Hugenberg, L.-“James Kilbourne: A Representative From Ohio

and Worthington”

3 235
Hunt, Law and Locomotives 3 236
Hustis, John Papers (SHSW) 3 237
Images of Byron Kilbourn 3 238
Inaugural Address of Byron Kilbourn, Mayor of Milwaukee,


3 239
Increase Lapham on Canal, 1838 (Wisconsin Gazeteer 3 240
Increase Lapham & Early Milwaukee: Letters, 1836-1846

(Usually Excerpts) [MCHS]

3 241
Increasse A. Lapham: Geographical & Topographical

Description of Wisc., Early Milw. (1844)

3 242
Increase A. Lapham, Letters from and to (Lapham Papers, Box

4, Folder 5, MCHS)

3 243
Increase A. Lapham Materials 3 244
Increase A. Lapham Papers (SHSW) 3 245
Increase Lapham’s Wisconsin (1846), Berquist Notes 3 246
Increase A. Lapham, Wisconsin: Its Geography & Topography,

2nd ed., 1846

3 247
Info re Wisconsin Newspapers from Carolyn S. Dyer, Univ. of


3 248
Initial Exploratory Trip – Conn. Research Libraries,  6/7-11/75

and Records of Grant Negotiations

3 249
Instructions to Superintending Engineers, Jan. 30, 1832 – CCC


3 250
Itinerary for Florida Research Trip, Dec. 1987 3 251
Introduction to J.K. Biography, Notes & Materials 3 252
James Kilbourne at Bucyrus, Norton; Columbus-Sandusky

Turnpike Court Cases

3 253
James Kilbourne Family Papers (OHS) 3 254
James Kilbourne and Fugitive Slaves 3 255
James Kilbourne Land Holdings – Worthington (T. Burke) 3 256
James Kilbourne: Miscellaneous Material 3 257
James Kilbourne in the Ohio Assembly, 1838-39 3 258
James Kilbourne in the Ohio Legislature, 1823-24 3 259
James Kilbourne – Ohio Religious Conditions, 1817 3 260
James Kilbourne Papers (OHS) [Second Research Read-through

for Final Draft]

3 261
James Kilbourne: Report of the Select Committee on the Claim

of Ephraim Cutler – Ohio Assembly, Feb. 6, 1839

3 262
James Kilbourne’s Address on Railroads (Jan. 5, 1826 & Feb.

22, 1832) and Internal Improvements (1836, 1839)

3 263
James Kilbourne’s Congressional Career 3 264
James Kilbourne’s Franklin Cty. Land Transactions 3 265
James Kilbourn’s Letter re: Nathan Goodale, July 31, 1846 3 266
James Kilbourne’s Will 3 267
J. Kilbourne – Autobiography 3 268
J. Kilbourne – List of Contents of Boxes/Byron Kilbourn

Materials List

3 269
J. Kilbourne – Terms in Congress & Ohio House of


3 270
J. Kilbourne’s Communities in the West (Towns he founded) 3 271
Joel Buttles Diaries, 1841-1846 (OHS), Vols. 1205-1206 3 272
Joel Buttles Diary – Extracts 3 273
Joel Buttles: Teaching School in Worthington (Fitzpatrick &

Morris, Franklinton Centennial)

3 274
John Fitch-B.K.’s Grandfather (Based on Flexner’s Steamboats

Come True)

3 275
John Kilbourn – Ohio Canal Documents 3 276
John Kilbourne – Ohio Gazeteer, 1833 (OHS) 3 277
John Snow 3 278
John H. Tweedy Papers (SHSW), Box 1 3 279
John H. Tweedy Papers (SHSW), Box 2 3 280
John H. Tweedy Papers (SHSW), Box 3, 1853-1890 4 281
John H. Tweedy Papers (SHSW), Box 3, Correspondence


4 282
John H. Tweedy Papers (SHSW), Box 3, Miscellaneous 4 283
John H. Tweedy Papers (SHSW), Box 3, 1865-1876 4 284
Jonathan Bowman Papers (SHSW) 4 285
Jones, Emma, A State in Its Making, PCB Notes, Aug 1991 4 286
Josiah A. Noonan Papers (SHSW) 4 287
Journal & Letter Book: Ohio Canal Fund & Commissioners 4 288
J.R. Ridgeway, Sr., in Ohio House 4 289
Julia Buttles Case Papers (OHS) 4 290
Juneau-Martin Contract for East Milwaukee, 1833 4 291
Juneau’s New House in Milwaukee 4 292
1)      Kalette, 13 Ohio Political Leaders (List of Microfilm

Holdings in OHS, run down by each letter, etc.); 2) Ohio House Journal, vol. 22, 1823-24 (complete analysis); 3) Ohio House Journal, vol. 37, 1838-39 (complete analysis)

4 293
Karrick, Joseph – 1829 4 294
Kelley, Alfred Collection, OHS 4 295
Kelley, Alfred: References & Ben Hayes Article 4 296
Kerber, Linda, “Separate Spheres…” JAH, 75, June 1988, p. 9-39 4 297
Kidwell/Ling Articles & Notes 4 298
Kilbourn, Byron: Beginning Research (Bibliography, Primary

Sources), OHS, 1984

4 299
Kilbourn, Byron: Bibliography, O.S.U. Library 4 300
Kilbourn, Byron: “Field Notes for a Biographical Sketch” 4 301
Kilbourn, Byron File, 1835-1837: Letters – 1) Handwritten

summary, Roger B. Sherman to Elisha Whittlesey, Oct. 26,

1836; 2) Xerox copies. Letters to & from M.T. Williams &

Byron Kilbourne, SHSW

4 302
Kilbourn, Byron: “13 Letters” Correspondence to A. Buttles &

Sister Laura (SHSW)

4 303
Kilbourn, Byron: “13 Letters,” 1825-62 – File 1825 May 8


4 304
Kilbourn, Byron: WHS Data 4 305
Kilbourn v. Wildman et al, 1846 (Original at Bowling Green) 4 306
Kilbourn City Materials 4 307
Kilbourn Correspondence (1913): Emma Jones, A State in its


4 308
Kilbourn Family 4 309
Kilbourn Family Correspondence 4 310
Kilbourn Home at Second & Wisconsin (2nd House in Milw.) 4 311
Kilbourn Research – Correspondence 4 312
Kilbourn Research – Financial Records 4 313
Kilbourn University Bill, Legislative Consideration-1858 4 314
Kilbourn University Bill, Senate Consideration – 1859 4 315
Kilbourn University – Byron Kilbourn’s Memorial to Senate,

Jan. 15, 1859

4 316
Kilbourn University, Kilbourn-Lapham Correspondence, 1859 4 317
Kilbourn University – Lapham Letter, 1857 4 318
Kilbourn University Materials in Lapham Papers 4 319
Kilbourn University – Newspaper Comment, 1859 4 320
Kilbourn University – Select Committee Response to Bill,

Assembly, Apr. 23, 1858

4 321
Kilbourne – Accounts of Central Ohio, 1802/1803 (J.K.’s Report

to Scioto Co.)

4 322
Kilbourne Family Papers (OHS): Cheney Analysis of 4 323
Kilbourne, James – Inventory OHS Microfilm 4 324
Kilbourne, James: “The Ruine of My Father” 4 325
Kilbourne and Lafayette 4 326
Kilbourne, Payne Kenyon. History and Antiquities of the Name

and Family of Kilbourn, 1845 & 1856 eds. (excerpts)

4 327
Kilbourne, Payne Kenyon. History and Antiquities…

(1856)excerpts on James, John, Hector, Byron Kilbourn

4 328
Kilbourne Research 4 329
Kilbourne-Wildman Case in Chancery, Oct.-Nov. 1843 (F.S.

Wildman, letter, xerox)

4 330
Kilbourne’s Political Career in Worthington, Resume 4 331
Klement, Frank 4 332
Koss’ Comparison of Juneau & Kilbourn 4 333
LaCrosse & Milwaukee Railroad: B. Kilbourn’s Instructions to

Engineers and B. Kilbourn-Buttles Correspondence

4 334
Land Grant (Effort to Bribe) “Honest Amasa Cobb” 4 335
Lapham 1876 Draft Speech re: Milw. Claimants Union 4 336
Lapham Letters re: Kilbourn’s Death, SHSW, Lapham Papers,

Box 11

4 337
Lapham and Milwaukee & Rock River Canal 4 338
Lapham – Williams Relationship (MCHS) 4 339
Larson, L.M., Financial History of Milwaukee (1908) 4 340
Lemisch: Sherburne 4 341
Letter & Article re Wisconsin Newspapers from Carolyn S.

Dyer, Jan. 30, 1988

4 342
Letter to G.B., Sept. 1994, re: Milan, B.K.’s Career, 1826-1834 4 343
Letter of James Kilbourn to Thomas Worthington-Feb. 7, 1804

& Scioto Gazette, July 30, 1804 – re. Worth. 4th of July

4 344
Letters from B.K. to Payne Kenyon Kilbourn, 1848-1851


4 345
Letters to & from James Kilbourne (A State in the Making 4 346
Linn, Lewis Fields: D.A.B. Sketch (Berquist notes) 4 347
Litchfield Coll. – Presentation of Worthington Historical Society 4 348
Litchfield Historical Society, Payne Kenyon Kilbourn Papers –


4 349
Local Publicity Pamphlets, Fliers, etc. – Connecticut – Granby,

St. Andrews Church, etc.

4 350
Lockbourne [Berquist Information] 4 351
Lucius Barber Papers – Simsbury Hist. Society 4 352
Map – “Black Hand Rock” (Licking Narrows) 4 353
Map of Ohio Counties 4 354
Map – Showing Sections of Ohio Canal (OHS) 4 355
Maps and Information on Ohio Roads, Canals, RR’s 4 356
Marc H. Hollender, Collected Letters (SHSW) 4 357
Martin, William T. – Franklin County Register (1834) 4 358
“Mary Cowles Kilbourn: A Daughter of Manifest Destiny” 4 359
Masonic Connection (Byron Kilbourn) 4 360
Material from Folder #2, “Field Notes for a Biographical Sketch” 4 361
Material for Footnote Corrections, B.K. – Chpts. I-IV 4 362
Materials for Article: “James Kilbourne: New Light on His


4 363
Materials to Check – Final Draft Kilbourne Biography 4 364
Materials: Conn. Trip, June 1979 (Bowers) 4 365
Materials on John Fitch 4 366
Maud Thorndike’s Letter About Her Grandfather – Byron


4 367
McCormick, R. – Data on Early Worthington, B.K., Buttles


4 368
MCHS Life of Byron Kilbourn (Howard Spetz, 1937) 4 369
Micajah T. Williams Article, Business History Review 4 370
Micajah T. Williams Article, Wisconsin Magazine of History 4 371
“Micajah Terrell Williams,” by Elizabeth Williams Perry, “Old

Northwest” Genealogical Quarterly, vol. 1, Jan. 1898

4 372
Micajah T. Williams Collection (O.H.S.), Reel 1 4 373
Micajah T. Williams Collection (O.H.S.), Reel 2 4 374
Micajah T. Williams Collection (O.H.S.), Reels 3-5 5 375
Micajah T. Williams, WMH Sketch 5 376
“Middle Division” O/E Canal (1825/6) from J. Kilbourne OH

Canal Docs, 1832, & B.C.C. Report, Jan. 1833

5 377
Milan Canal & Byron Kilbourn 5 378
Militia 5 379
Milwaukee Advertiser, 1836-1841 5 380
Milwaukee Advertiser – 1 White Card Info 5 381
Milwaukee Board of Trade, 1855-1859 5 382
Milwaukee City Directories, 1851-1869 5 383
Milwaukee Common Council Rules & Regulations (1846) 5 384
Milwaukee County Historical Society 5 385
Milwaukee County Historical Society – Folder: Byron Kilbourn

& Mrs. Kilbourn

5 386
“Milwaukee County,” Increase Lapham Old Settlers Speech,

Jan. 1875 (MCHS)

5 387
“Milwaukee German Immigrant Values” 5 388
Milwaukee, the Harbor, & Lake Shore Rivals- Bleyer Papers 5 389
Milwaukee & Mississippi RR 5 390
Milwaukee & Mississippi RR Co., Reports, etc., 1849-1861 \


5 391
Milwaukee Public Library 5 392
“Milwaukee River” Exhibit: MCHS-1990 5 393
Milwaukee RR Canal, B. Kilbourn and Alanson Sweet (data in

Whittlesey Papers, WRHS)

5 394
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal – B.K.’s Report as Loan Agent


5 395
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal Documentary History, I.A.

Lapham (1840)

5 396
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal: Increase Lapham Account 5 397
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal Legislation 5 398
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal, Legislative Considerations

(Martin Papers)

5 399
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal – Moses Strong (Hist. Of

Territory of Wisconsin)

5 400
Milwaukee & Rock River Canal, Wm. R. Smith Documentary

History, 1854

5 401
Milwaukee Sentinel Index on Byron Kilbourn (Mil. Public


5 402
Milwaukee Sentinel References to Byron Kilbourn 5 403
Milwaukee Sentinel References to B.K. & Notes to 1841 5 404
“Milwaukee’s German Cultural Heritage” 5 405
Milwaukee’s Kilbourn Road (Goes West to Waukesha) 5 406
Miscellaneous Reprints 5 407
Mitchell, S. Augustus: Tourists Pocket Map of Ohio, 1834 5 408
Molnar, Tom – “An Educational Haven in the Midst of the


5 409
Monument Inscriptions, St. John’s-Worthington 5 410
Morgan L. Martin Collection (Neville Museum, Green Bay):

Inventory of Items Xeroxed & Notes Taken, July 3, 1990

5 411
Morgan Lewis Martin Papers (SHSW): Inventories 5 412
Morgan L. Martin Receives Power of Attorney for

Kilbourn-Buttles-Williams Property in Brown County, July 2,


5 413
Morgan Martin and Solomon Juneau 5 414
Morrison, P.C., “Morphological Study of Worthington” 5 415
Moses Strong, Byron Kilbourn & the 1856 Land Grant Scandal 5 416
Moses M. Strong Papers, 1990 (SHSW) 5 417
Mrs. Byron Kilbourn (nee Henrietta Kerrick) 5 418
National Register of Historic Places – Worthington, Oct. 1979 5 419
National Union Catalog of Mss. Collections: Byron Kilbourn

(G.B. List)

5 420
Nelson & Runk, History of Cinn. & Hamilton Cty. (Bowers

Notes), OHS

5 421
New Eden Index (see also microfilm xxx) 5 422
New England Historic Genealogical Society & Berquist Notes

on Research in New England

5 423
“Newport: Its Rise and Fall,” WMH (1942) 5 424
Newspaper Articles 5 425
Notes: Delaware Patron & Franklin Chronicle 5 426
Notes For Chapter II, “Neophyte Engineer” 5 427
Notes For Outline – Ch. I (B.K.) 5 428
Notes For Outline – Ch. II, III, & IV (B.K.) 5 429
Notes: Kilbourne Article: Skaggs, 1987 5 430
Notes. Newspapers on Microfilm. 1822 (O.H.S.) 5 431
Notes On All the Cowles Family Papers 5 432
Notes on Horace & Henry Tenney 5 433
Notes on Towns: Milan, Claridon, Caldersburg, Roscoe,

Coshocton, Irville

5 434
Notes on Womens’ History (Gender, Family, Feminist) – several

books (esp. for Chpts. 1, 2, 3)

5 435
Notes – Steiner Article on Anglicans in Conn.; Ann N. Hansen’s

MA Thesis on Kilbourne; Conn. Research “Questions”

5 436
Notification of Award of University Small Research Grant for

Florida Trip, Dec. 1987

5 437
OCLC Print Out – Byron Kilbourn, 11/9/87 5 438
Ohio. Auditor of State. Tax Duplicates. Franklin Cty.,

1817-1825 (O.H.S.)

5 439
Ohio Canal Engineers – 1829/30, Ohio House Journal, vol. 28 5 440
Ohio Canals & Masonry 5 441
Ohio/Erie Canal Plat Maps, Notes On (OHS) 5 442
Ohio House Journal, 1822-1834 (Notes) 5 443
Ohio House Journal, For Footnotes & Bib. 5 444
Ohio House of Representatives Journal, 1838-39 (with notes on

J. Kilbourne’s actions)

5 445
Ohio Mss. Depositories 5 446
Ohio Statehood – Article on T. Jefferson 5 447
Ohioana Quarterly, 1977 5 448
Old City Cemetery, Jacksonville, Florida 5 449
Old Settler’s Club Papers (MCHS) 5 450
Olson, Frederick I. – Primary Bibliography for Research in

Milwaukee History, 1971

5 451
Original Property Owners, Worthington, Ohio 5 452
Overy, David – Wisconsin Carpetbaggers in Dixie 5 453
Payne Kenyon Kilbourne’s Sketch of James Kilbourne (1856


5 454
Philander Chase: Notes on (Source?) 5 455
Politics, SHSW – Tenney Ltrs. 5 456
Politics re: Territorial Delegate (1845): 5 Letters to Martin, et al 5 457
Portion of Gov. Randall’s Address on Legislative Corruption,

Delivered Jan. 14, 1858

5 458
Precis of Berquist Manila File Holders Data, Milwaukee

Research Trip, June 1990

5 459
Precis of Berquist White Card Notes, Milwaukee Trip, June


5 460
Precis of Berquist White Note Cards, 1988-90 5 461
Profiles of Ohio Canal System (OHS) 5 462
Prospectus (1984) – Book on Byron Kilbourne 5 463
Random Notes on B.K. (Bowers) 6 464
Rare Book Dealer (John Kilbourne’s Pamphlets)? 6 465
Record of Elections, Milw. County, 1848-1879 (MCHS) 6 466
Reed to Mrs. M.L. Martin (Mrs. Kilbourn Described), December

10, 1838

6 467
R.E. Kilbourne Correspondence 6 468
Report on Research Progress [Byron Kilbourne], Spring Qtr.

1987 (SRA)

6 469
Research Notes – Worthington Project 6 470
Research Papers on Worthington (COMM 701.08, Winter Term


6 471
Rev. G.B. McAdams on Roger Viet’s Farewell Address, 1787 6 472
Review of Byron Kilbourne Material in Notes for New Eden 6 473
Review of Still’s History of Milwaukee 6 474
Rockwell, D. Henry (SHSW): “Two Items” 6 475
Royal Arch Masons of Worthington – Pamphlet 6 476
Rufus King’s Politics 6 477
“Sachem of the Tribe” Chapter – Notes (Bowers) 6 478
St. James Parish – Milwaukee Materials/Parish Registry,


6 479
St. John’s Church, Worthington (Notes from Vestry Book &

Register, & 1944 Brochure)

6 480
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Worthington, Ohio Records (OHS) 6 481
Sally Cowles Correspondence, etc. 6 482
Sampson, T. – “Institutions of Higher Learning on the Western


6 483
Sandusky Chancery Case (Lockwood v. Wildman), 1844 6 484
“Sandusky Enterprise” Chapter-Detailed Notes: Rds, Canals,

RR’s, etc.

6 485
Sandusky – Jay Cooke 6 486
Sawyer, Col. Amos 6 487
Scheiber, Ohio Canal Era (for Bib., Footnotes, Maps, etc) 6 488
Scioto Company Articles of Agreement/Abstract 6 489
Scioto Company Minute Book 6 490
Second Wisconsin Research Trip (March 20-30, 1985) –

Costs, Receipts, etc.

6 490A
Sermons by Roger Viets – 1787, 1800 (2) 6 491
Sesquicentennial History Marion County; History Delaware

County – 1880 (Note on Walk-in-the-Waters)

6 492
Sharon Township Census, 1820-1830 6 493
Shelter Island 6 494
Shepard, History of St. Mark’s Church – Rev. James Kilbourne 6 495
Shriver, James: Account…Chesapeake & Ohio, & Ohio & Erie

Canals (1824)

6 496
Simpson, Joseph: The Story of Buckeye Lake 6 497
Simsbury Map, 1730 6 498
Smith, A., Doty, J.D. (Biography), Notes 6 499
Smith & Current, History of Wisconsin, Vols. I & II 6 500
Snow Papers – Cincinnati Masonic Temple 6 501
Solomon Juneau, M.L. Martin and Land Transactions

(involving, among others, B.K.)

6 502
Solomon Juneau to M.L. Martin re: McCarthy Lots, B.K.

Observation, Sept. 11, 1839

6 503
State Historical Society of Wisconsin 6 504
State & National Politics: Henry Dodge (Terr. Del.) To M.L.

Martin, Dec. 17, 1841

6 505
State of Wisc. – Reports, 1858 (SHSW) 6 506
Stephanie Shaw – “Bridgewater” Newspaper Articles re Ohio

Canal – from Sandusky Clarion, 1825

6 507
Straughn, Jesse: Skeleton Map of Ohio, 1849 6 508
Sylvester Dering Cowles 6 509
Tax List, City of Milwaukee (2nd Ward), 1846 6 510
Tax List, City of Milwaukee (4th Ward), 1846 & index to 5th


6 511
Tax List, City of Milwaukee (2nd & 4th Wards), 1854 6 512
Tax List, City of Milwaukee, 1856 6 513
Tax Rolls & Lists, City of Milwaukee, 1866 (MPL) 6 514
Taylor’s Transportation Revolution 6 515
Territorial Papers of the U.S., Vol. XII: Michigan Terr. 6 516
Territorial Papers of the U.S., Vol. XXVII: Wisconsin 6 517
Territorial Papers of the U.S. – Vol. XXVIII (1 of 2) 6 518
Territorial Papers of the U.S. – Vol. XXVIII (2 of 2) 6 519
Third Research Trip, Wisc. – B.K. (June-July 1990) 6 519A
Two Views of Milwaukee, 1836 (Koss) 6 520
Underground Railroad – Route 6 521
“Unpublished History.” Sherman Booth’s Narrative of B.K.’s Attempts, 1854-6, to get support for Senate Campaign [from Once A Year – ed., Harry Anderson] 6 522
“Ve Goink Milvowkee!” 6 523
Vibert Correspondence – Granby, CT 6 524
Viets Genealogy 6 525
Visuals and Illustrations 6 526
Walker, George 6 527
Wallace, Sam: Paper on Capital of Ohio, Winter 1978 6 528
Water Power and Rock River Canal [city directory] 6 529
Watrous, Memoirs of Milwaukee County 6 530
Weaver, “Anglican-Congregationalist Tensions in Pre-Revolutionary Connecticut” 6 531
Western Intelligencer, 1811-1818 6 532
Wheeler, The Chronicles of Milwaukee (1861) 6 533
Whittlesey Papers, WRHS, ca. 1842-1851 (John Fitch) 6 534
Wildman Collection (OHS): Kilbourn-Wildman Law Suit –

Statement by F. Wildman

6 535
Wildman Papers, OHS 6 536
Williams, Micajah T.: “Field Notes for a Biographical Sketch” 6 537
Williamson, C.W.: History of Western Ohio and Auglaize


6 538
Wisconsin Democrats – 1855, 1856 6 539
Wisconsin Politics – 1857 6 540
Wisconsin Railroads (Austin) 6 541
Wisconsin Trip (Bowers) 6 541A
Woodruff, William: Travel Guide Thro the State of Ohio – Map

of Canal, 1835

6 542
Worthington Academy, 1808-1811 6 543
Worthington Female Seminary (ONGQ) 6 544
Worthington Fencing School 6 545
Worthington Grammar School of Kenyon College 6 546
Worthington Hotel Ad – 1845 6 547
Worthington Literati 6 548
Worthington Mfg. Co. – ads and products 6 549
Worthington Mfg. Co. – Articles of Association, 1813 6 550
Worthington Mfg. Co. – Articles of Association, 1817 and

Legislative Acts on Mfg. Companies

6 551
Worthington Map (Modern) 6 552
Worthington Masonic Connection 6 553
Worthington Materials (Recent); See Also McCormick’s


6 554
Worthington: New England in the Wilderness (Baker) 6 555
The Worthington News, Bicentennial Edition, May 28, 1976 6 556
Worthington, Ohio Revisited: Panel Discussion – April 21, 1978 6 557
Worthington Research Notes 6 558
Yankee Saints and Southern Sinners – B. Wyatt-Brown 6 559

Research Materials – Legal Size

Box Number

Folder Number

Berquist: Xeroxes of Articles (Mostly on Wisc. Railroads) 7 560
Bleyer, Henry W. Papers, ARC-UWM 7 561
Byron Kilbourn, Arson & the Chase/Comstock Fire of 1846 7 562
Byron Kilbourn’s Deed to Jacksonville Property 7 563
Byron Kilbourn’s Will 7 564
Cowles Family Correspondence 7 565
Granby Literary Society – 1812 7 566
Increase Lapham Autobiographical Letter (1859) & Other

Oversize Documents

7 567
Increase Lapham Papers – OHS Xeroxes 7 568
James Kilbourne on the Ohio Canal – Sandusky Clarion

(Reprinted from Delaware Patron)

7 569
Kilbourn, Byron: History of LaCrosse Land Grant (xerox copy),

File 1860 August 3 (SHSW)

7 570
Kilbourn University 7 571
Land/Tax Records – Milw. & Milw. County (MCHS) 7 572
Lapham Papers, SHSW, Box 18, Jan. 19, 1837-Dec. 9, 1837 7 573
Litchfield Letters: J. Kilbourne to Payne Kenyon Kilbourne,


7 574
Micajah T. Williams Papers, OHS, Microfilm #96, Roll 8 7 575
Miscellaneous Maps 7 576
Moses M. Strong Papers (SHSW) 7 577
Oversize Byron Kilbourn Materials 7 578
Scheiber, “Alfred Kelley & Ohio Business Elite,” Ohio History 7 579
Tax Records – Tom Burke & Misc. 7 580
Transcript of Sale Book of 1838 & 1839 – Milwaukee 7 581

Drafts – Byron Kilbourn and the Development of Milwaukee

Box Number

Folder Number

Byron Kilbourn and the Development of Milwaukee 8 582
Draft, Byron Kilbourn… (Includes Bowers’ Critique)   [1 of 2] 8 583
Draft, Byron Kilbourn… (Includes Bowers’ Critique)   [2 of 2] 8 584
Kilbourn by Paul Bowers and Goodwin Berquist I 8 585
Kilbourn by Paul Bowers and Goodwin Berquist II 8 586
Chapters I-IV (Paul Bowers’ Draft of Kilbourn’s Ohio Years) 8 587
Draft – Ch. V-VII 8 588
Draft Materials 8 589
Draft – “Kilbourn and Milwaukee” 8 590
Drafts – “Kilbourntown” 8 591
Draft – “Milwaukee and Rock River Canal” 8 592
Draft- “Railroads, Land Grants and “Liberal Compensation” 8 593
Draft – “Epilogue” 8 594
Draft – Conclusions 8 595
Pre-Text Materials 8 596
Prologue 8 597
Chapter I – Draft, B. Kilbourn 8 598
Cp. I Draft – The Early Years 8 599
Cp. II Draft – Neophyte Engineer 8 600
Chapter II with Complete Footnotes (2nd to last text) 8 601
Draft Materials – Chapters III and IV 8 602
Cp. III-The Canal Years: Resident Engineer, Marriage and New

Responsibilities, 1827-1833

8 603
Cp. IV-Leaving Ohio: The Specter of Failure and the Pull of the


8 604
Cp. IV: Access to the Interior: The Milwaukee and Rock River


8 605
Footnotes for Cp. I-IV (Bowers’ Chapters on Kilbourn’s Ohio


8 606
Cp. V Draft 8 607
Cp. 5 – Additional Drafts 9 608
Cp. 5 – Kilbourntown 9 609
Cp. 6 – Milwaukee and Rock River Canal 9 610
Cp. 7 – Public Good and Private Gain 9 611
Cp. 8 – Railroads, Land Grants and “Liberal Compensation” 9 612
“Kilbourntown” and “The Canal” Chapters 9 613

Drafts – The New Eden” James Kilbourn and the Development of Ohio

Box Number

Folder Number

Revised Text – The New Eden 9 614
Completed Text – The New Eden 9 615
Additions to Final Draft 9 616
Introduction & Description of the Book 9 617
Chpt. VII Draft – “Sachem of the Tribe” 9 618
Handwritten (penultimate) Draft of Chpt VII, Kilbourne


9 619
Draft, Last Chapter – Kilbourne, “A Vision on Retrospect” 9 620
Draft Material – “Sandusky Enterprise” 9 621

Articles (Includes Drafts)

Box Number

Folder Number

“Byron Kilbourn’s Last Years in Florida” 9 622
“Byron Kilbourn’s Last Years in Florida” -Draft Materials 9 623
“Byron Kilbourn’s Last Years in Florida” – Mss. Materials 9 624
“Byron Kilbourn’s Ohio Heritage” in MCHS Historical

Messenger, March 1971

9 625
“James Kilbourne: New Light on His Story as Told by Himself” 9 626
“Making Wisconsin Navigable” 9 627
“Milwaukee’s Byron Kilbourn” – 4/29/93 9 628
“Public Address in Frontier Worthington,” G. Berquist – Ohio

Speech Journal

9 629
“Public Address in Frontier Worthington” – II 9 630
“The Rhetoric of John Witherspoon: Clergyman-Teacher-Patriot” 9 631
Worthington: A Study in the Communication of History 9 632
“Worthington, Ohio: James Kilbourn’s Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier,” by Bowers/Berquist, Ohio History 9 633
Footnotes – J.K. Episcopal Haven Article, Ohio History 9 634

Miscellaneous Material – Berquist

Box Number

Folder Number

Aderman, Ralph M. – Critique of Byron Kilbourn Book 9 635
Becoming Published – Wayne Brockriede 9 636
Berquist: Speech at Ashland College, 1984 9 637
Blackford – History 564: Business in the American Life 9 638
Brown County Historical Society 10 639
Communication 701.08; Historical Analysis: Frontier Worthington: The Rhetoric of Migration & Settlement 10 640
Communication 701.08; Historical Analysis: Ratification of a

New Constitution

10 641
Connecticut Yankee in Frontier Wisconsin, Simsbury, CT, Feb.


10 642
Critiques-Byron Kilbourn & the Development of Milwaukee 10 643
The Hunt for a Publisher 10 644
Mary Cowles’ Story, E. Granby – Feb. 6, 1993 10 645
Materials for Hazelwood Speech on M.L. Martin, Aug. 24, 1995 10 646
Milwaukee County Historical Society, Publication Corr. 10 647
Morgan L. Martin’s Narrative (written 1887) 10 648
Ohio Academy of History-Worthington/Kilbourne Program,


10 649
“Passage to Greatness: Wisconsin’s Gamble on an East-West


10 650
Publisher Correspondence 10 651
“The Speech That Failed” (Turner) – G. Berquist 10 652
TV Script Data: New Eden & Virtuous Society 10 653
Worthington: The Virtuous Society in Transition 10 654
Worthington TV Script Materials 10 655
2 folder covers, “The Rhetoric of Western Thought” 10 Loose in box

Miscellaneous Material – Paul C. Bowers

Box Number

Folder Number

Address on Colonial Religious Background to 1st Amendment –

Gene Pierce’s Group, Jan. 10, 1989

10 656
Berens, John F.: “`Like a Prophetic Spirit’….Samuel Davies &

Deification of G. Washington

10 657
Berquist Seminar: Bowers’ Lecture – The Proto-Myth of Rev.

Am., Sp. Qtr. ‘88

10 658
Curriculum Vitae (as of May 1989) 10 659
Encyclopedia of the United States Congress 10 660
“The Frontier Spirit: Is it Still Alive?” (Lecture to Japanese

Students, July 21, 1986)

10 661
Grindstaff, Roy: Ph.D. Dissertation Prospectus (Dept. Comm.),


10 662
“The Heritage of our Immigrant Past” (Osaka Students, July 21,


10 663
New Eden & Virtuous Society – TV Scripts, Draft 10 664
Notes on Thanksgiving Holiday 10 665
Order Form – Parker Petition for Richard Henry Lee, 4/24/1777 10 666
Primary & Related Source Materials: American Revolution

Select Compilation of

10 667
Review of Brower Reader for Random House, July 1986 10 668
Review of Images of America (Robert Downs) for Ohio History,


10 669
Review of Reader Table of Contents for D.C. Heath, June 1989


10 670
Review of Whiskey Rebellion (Thomas Slaughter) for Ohio

History, Aug. 1987

10 671
Richard Henry Lee Account Book 10 672
“The 2nd Disestablishment”-1st Communion Church, 9/3/89 10 673
Vogel Lecture 10 674
Kilbourn Illustrations 10 675
Kilbourntown Survey by Garret Vliet, Oct. 8, 1835 10 676
“Rise and Fall of the Rock River Canal,” by Patricia Kahn 10 677

Oversize Items


1 Map of New England Settlement and 1 Map of Jacksonville, Florida, Area OS SM “B”
6 Maps of Florida & Jacksonville OS LG “B”
Map of southern Wisconsin, ca. 1840 OS XLG

Cassette & Video Recordings

See: Multimedia Collection, Recordings #127-129, Film #77,

& Video Cassette #38


See Slider Binder, Library Shelves

Books/Articles Donated by Goodwin Berquist

Milwaukee History

Winter 1985
Spring 1987
Autumn 1988
Spring – Winter 1990
Spring – Winter 1991
Spring – Winter 1992
Spring – Winter 1993
Spring – Winter 1994
Spring – Winter 1995
Spring – Winter 1996
Spring, Summer 1997


Aderman, Ralph M., ed.  Trading Post to Metropolis: Milwaukee County’s First 150 Years.  1987
Anderson, Byron.  A Bibliography of Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations on Milwaukee Topics, 1911-1977.  1981
Austin, H. Russell.  The Wisconsin Story: The Building of a Vanguard State.  Revised ed., 1965
Buley, R. Carlyle.  The Old Northwest: Pioneer Period, 1815-1840.            2 vols.  1951
Corbin, Frank.  A Walking Tour of Old Worthington: First Center of Culture in Central Ohio.  1969
Current, Richard N.  The History of Wisconsin, Vol. II: The Civil War Era, 1848-1873.  1976
Duckett, Kenneth W.  Frontiersman of Fortune: Moses M. Strong of Mineral Point.  1955
Durbin, Richard D.  The Wisconsin River: An Odyssey Through Time and Space.  1977
East, Robert A.  Connecticut’s Loyalists.  1974
Fleckner, John A. and Mallach, Stanley, eds.  Guide to Historical Resources in Milwaukee Area Archives.  1976
Flexner, James Thomas.  Steamboats Come True: American Inventors in Action.  Reprint ed., 1978
Frank, Louis F.  German-American Pioneers in Wisconsin and Michigan: The Frank-Kerler Letters, 1849-1864.  1989
Frohman, Charles E.  Sandusky’s Yesterdays.  1968
Holbrook, Stewart H.  The Yankee Exodus: An Account of Migration From New England.  1950
Hunt, Roger.  Early Milwaukee: Papers from the Archives of the Old Settlers’ Club of Milwaukee County, 1830-1890.  1977
Langill, Ellen D.  Foley & Lardner: Attorneys at Law, 1842-1992.              1992
Lapham, I.A.  Wisconsin: Its Geography and Topography, History, Geology and Mineralogy.  1846
Leyland, Herbert T.  Thomas Smith Webb: Freemason, Musician, Entrepreneur.  1965
McCormick, Robert and Jennie.  Worthington Landmarks: Photo-Essays of Historic Worthington Properties.  1992
McCurdy, Frances Lea.  Stump, Bar, and Pulpit: Speechmaking on the Missouri Frontier.  1969
Merk, Frederick.  Economic History of Wisconsin During the Civil War Decade.  2nd ed., 1971
Nesbit, Robert C.  Wisconsin, A History.  1973
Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin at its Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting, Held October 18, 1906.  1907
Quaife, Milo M., ed.  The Movement for Statehood, 1845-1846 (State Historical Society of

Wisconsin Collections, vol. 26). 1918

The Convention of 1846 (State Historical Society of Wisconsin Collections, vol. 27).  1919
The Struggle Over Ratification, 1846-1847.  (State Historical Society of Wisconsin Collections, vol. 28).  1920
The Attainment of Statehood.  (State Historical Society of Wisconsin Collections, vol. 29).  1928
Rohrbough, Malcolm J.  The Land Office Business: The Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789-1837.  1990
Schafer, Joseph.  A History of Agriculture in Wisconsin.  1922
Sears, Alfred Byron.  Thomas Worthington: Father of Ohio Statehood.  1998
Smith, Alice E.  George Smith’s Money: A Scottish Investor in America. 1966
Smith, Henry Nash.  Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth.  Reprint ed., 1970
Smith, William R.  The History of Wisconsin. In Three Parts, Historical, Documentary, and Descriptive.  Vols. 1 and 3, 1854
Springman, Mary Jane and Guinan, Betty Finnell.  East Granby: the evolution of a Connecticut town.  1983
Taylor, George Rogers.  The Transportation Revolution, 1815-1860.  Reprint, 1977
Utter, William T.  Granville: The Story of an Ohio Village.  1956
Walsh, Margaret.  The Manufacturing Frontier: Pioneer Industry in Antebellum Wisconsin, 1830-1860.  1972
Wheeler, A.C.  The Chronicles of Milwaukee.  1861
Williams, Mark, ed.  Granby Town Records, Volumes I and II.  1986
