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and share Milwaukee County’s history.

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For questions or to learn about more ways to give, please contact
Samantha Michalski, or 414-409-9565.


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Annual Support

Preserve local history and increase your support of the Historical Society.

In addition to memberships, the Historical Society looks to individuals, corporations and foundations for annual support. This additional support funds our efforts in preservation; enables us to maintain our artifact and manuscript collections; publish books and publications on local history; create exhibitions and educational programs and, of course, meet operational expenses. Unless directed to a particular program or project, gifts to the Annual Fund provide resources to meet current institutional needs and take advantage of unanticipated opportunities.

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

Gifts in any amount are welcome and will be used to support the Historical Society’s mission to recognize and preserve our local history.

Gifts can be made to the Milwaukee County Historical Society in honor or in memory of someone you care about. The gift could celebrate an individual’s birthday, anniversary, or special occasion in their life. Gifts can be used to honor a milestone for a local business or civic leader. Express sympathy or honor the memory of a loved one. It is a thoughtful way to recognize an individual’s life and accomplishments.

When you make a gift, an acknowledgment is sent to the individual(s) being honored or to the family of the deceased without indicating the amount.

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Planned Gifts

Keep Milwaukee’s History Alive with a Gift through Your Will

Residents of Milwaukee are well known for volunteering their time and other resources for the benefit of causes in which they believe. As a result, the lives of all of us are enriched.

Many people also choose to include their charitable interests in their long-range financial plans. Making thoughtful charitable gifts in this way can often go hand-in-hand with preserving economic security for one’s self and loved ones, thanks to a number of special planning methods that are available.

The will is one of the most popular vehicles for making gifts through one’s estate. For each multimillion-dollar charitable bequest you may have read about, countless people of all means, in all walks of life, make bequests as well. Indeed, the economic stability of charitable causes of all types, including the Milwaukee County Historical Society, has been built over the years largely because of charitable bequests.

Leaving a legacy to future generations is a rewarding and noble act. However, a gift from your estate – whether through your will or other estate planning vehicles – can only be made if you plan. Very simple plans are often all that are required.

We will be pleased to discuss with you ways in which we can help you meet your charitable goals. Be sure to consult your attorney or advisor for the best advice in your situation.

For more information contact the Executive Director, Ben Barbera, at 414-273-8288 or

Giving Assistant

Every purchase you make at any one of Giving Assistant’s 2,500+ popular online retailers can be transformed into a meaningful donation to Milwaukee County Historical Society. Giving Assistant shoppers earn an average of $700 cash back on their purchases every year. Then, they donate a portion of their earnings to organizations they value. Sign up today to unlock great deals like exclusive Papa John’s coupons, as well as free donation opportunities at retailers like Michaels (3%), ULTA (2%), and Sears (7%)!
