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Interwar Period Collection


Location: GV, Sh. 048-049






This collection contains various materials relating to the periods between the major conflicts that the United States has been involved.






File 1  Publications

Stars and Stripes March 1912 Milwaukee publisher

Marked Severities in Philippine Warfare 1902


File 2  Military-General

Infantry Drill Regulations 1911

– General Orders: Headquarters of the Army 1902 (2 items)


File 3  Spanish-American War Events

Souvenir & History of the National Encampment of United Spanish War Veterans 1905


File 4  Miscellaneous




File 5  Publications – U.S. Printing

Service Record June 1923

The Great Lakes Recruit Dec 1918

The Jews in Nazi Germany 1933

Catholics and the Civil War in Spain 1937

Industry After the War 1918

The Mentor April 1921


File 6  Publications – U.S. Printing

Hitler Terror in 1935 1936

Labor Under Hitler 1935

Italian Intellectuals Under Fascism 1935

Red Cross Magazine Jan 1919

Over Here Aug 1919

Failure of German Compulsory Health Insurance–A War Revelation 1918



File 7  Publications – Foreign Printing for U.S.

The Rhineland Guide n.d. (U.S. Army of Occupation)

More Yank Talk n.d. (U. S. Army of Occupation)

The Skirmisher 1919 (U. S. Army of Occupation)

Description of the American Bridgehead 1919


File 8  Publications – Foreign

– German booklets 1923, 1935

– Italian 1933

– Chinese 1932

– Japanese/Chinese sheet music 1938


File 9  U.S. Armed Forces

Facts Regarding Enlistment in the United States Army 1941

Basic Field Manual: Light Machine Guns Marksmanship 1937

– Notebook of a soldier detailing duties required of a corporal


File 10 WW I Peace Treaty

– pamphlets and booklets dealing with treaty with Germany 1919


File 11 U. S. – Veterans Organizations

The Service Star Feb 1937 magazine devoted to men and women of WW I




File12  Wisconsin & Milwaukee – Veterans Organizations & Observances

– 16th Annual National Convention booklet Disabled American Veterans of WW I –

Milwaukee, 1936

– By-laws of Hugh McGrath Camp No. 4, Dept. of Wisconsin United Spanish War                                 Veterans 1930

– United Spanish War Veterans Wisconsin Dept. instructions for pension examinations


– 34th National Encampment United Spanish Veterans booklet – Milwaukee 1932

– 38th Encampment United Spanish War Veterans song sheet – Milwaukee, 1937

– Souvenir catalog from War Exposition at Auditorium – Milwaukee, 1919

– War Mothers of Milwaukee County program from Auditorium – Milwaukee, 1919

U.S.S. Maine memorial service program at Woods, Ward Theater – Milwaukee, 1940

– Committee list of Community Reception Committee for Milwaukee County boys

in service, 1919

– Pamphlet on proposed Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Memorial – Milwaukee, 1919

– Pamphlet on Memorial Building Fund for 32nd Division

– Red Arrow Day Committee list – Milwaukee, 1919

– Program for laying of corner stone for Hospital for Wounded World War Veterans –

Woods, WI 1922

– Armistice Day Committee program and song sheet – Milwaukee, 1919


– St. James Church Thanksgiving Service program – Milwaukee, 1918

– Letter from Milwaukee War Exposition Committee, 1919

– Tree and Shrub planting program pamphlet for United Spanish War Veterans –

Milwaukee, n.d.


File 13 Miscellaneous




File 14 Post-War German issues

– articles, pamphlets, brochures, 1946


File 15 Cold War/Civil Defense

– Milwaukee County Office of Civil Defense Annual Report 1961

– Advertisement for Fallout Shelter doors 1961

– Information bulletin Office of Civil Defense June 1964

– Evacuation instructions from Milwaukee Journal article Oct 1959


File 16 U. S. – Veterans Observances

– 79th National Encampment United Spanish War Veterans program – Rochester, NY,                          1977

– 80th National Encampment United Spanish War Veterans program – Des Moines, IA,



File 17 U. S. Armed Forces

Stars and Stripes European edition Sept 1950

– Military nurses historical information, 1975-77


File 18 U. S. – Miscellaneous


File 19 Wisconsin & Milwaukee – Veterans Observances

– Armistice Day program Dept. of Wisconsin World War I Veterans – Milwaukee, 1979

– 71st Annual Reunion program Society of the 5th Division – Brookfield, 1991

– Memorial Service program for University of Wisconsin alumni lost in WW II, 1946

– American Veterans Committee, Wisconsin Council, 1st Annual Convention program,

Kenosha, 1947

– Program & invitation dedicated to military nurses by Jane Delano Post No . 408, 1977


File 20 Wisconsin & Milwaukee – Miscellaneous











The Chicago Tribune – Paris Edition March 21, 1919

The Stars and Stripes – Paris Edition March 21, 1919

The Stars and Stripes – Paris Edition Feb 28, 1919

The Doughboy – 7th Infantry Weekly paper – Germany May 3, 1919

The Doughboy – 7th Infantry Weekly paper – Germany March 1, 1919

The Doughboy – 7th Infantry Weekly paper – Germany May 10, 1919

The Amaroc News – Coblenz June 14, 1919




– Charter for the National Auxiliary United Spanish War Veterans, Milwaukee Chapter, Richard

Dawson No. 17, May 24, 1916.




– Address to officers and men of the 119th Field Artillery on their recent activities in France

By their commander, Colonel Chester B. McCormick, April 27, 1919

– Certificate from Australian Goodwill Lands Pty, Ltd. for 1 sq. inch of land given to 32nd

Division Veterans Assoc., Dec. 10, 1968




– Memorial roster 15th Company, Fort Mills, Philippine Islands, 1920



Steve Daily

April 10, 2003


ADDENDUM – Added to File 13 (Dec. 10, 2003, K. Abing)

– Programs (2) & Handbills (5) re: Commando Show at Borchert Field, 1936


ADDENDUM – Added to File 15 (April 9, 2004, K. Abing)

– Newspaper clipping re: Nike Missile Base, 2002


